Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Dirty Apron, Clean Sleeves

When working in a kitchen, it is a cardinal sin to have filthy sleeves. Whether you’re a five star chef or a stay-at-home mom, cleanliness is vital to a good meal, not only because you will be judged on your level of efficiency, but also because you don’t want someone to know the menu of the day just by studying your clothes.
Thus, to avoid getting dirty when cooking, cleaning or working, you need something to cover yourself up. Also, you don’t want any oil splatter marks ruining your favorite shirt, do you? Not all cover-ups are dorky, so don’t worry about looking bad. They’re about efficiency and in every field; there are different types of cover-ups used to keep us safe, like the ones available in our Aprons section.
Cooking up trouble
All kitchens need to be clean. You can’t have a filthy place to cook in, otherwise you could get sick, or worse, be judged on it by your guests. But aside from your home and kitchen, personal cleanliness is also important.
Aprons are not only used to help your pretty clothes stay pretty. People also use them to stay safe and fresh because if you’re being overly enthusiastic while frying, an oil splash can harm you. Thus, precautions have to be taken in the kitchen, and while it may seem like a huge hassle to take the apron out, open up the strings, put it on and then tie it; it still doesn’t excuse you from being cautious. Most aprons have pockets as well so you can store anything you need. Just don’t use those pockets for knives.
Aprons don’t need to be boring. We’ve all seen funny aprons which can be customized to make them appealing. Nothing says macho more than a man wearing a “Grill Girl” apron, so when you’re wearing one, it also provides a good source of humor.
Who’s making your coffee?
Ever been a Starbucks worker for Halloween? You can’t complete the look without their custom trademark apron and hat.
Aprons are also used for commercial purposes, in bakeries, coffee shops, pizzerias and all stores related to food. Even in food trucks, like the ones you see at the NY street corners, you see the workers in the food trucks wearing their USA made signature plastic aprons and gloves while handling your order so that you don’t complain about cleanliness later on. Aprons are also used in salons for better coverage during a haircut. You’d definitely hate having your newly washed hair wetting your collar if it wasn’t for the salon apron.

Arts and science geeks
Cover-ups such as smocks and lab coats are used in their respective arts and science fields because they serve the same purpose as aprons. Smocks have been used by people since the world wars when windproof smocks were used to guard parachuting soldiers and their gear. They are now used by painters and pottery artists to protect their clothing from any stains as well as give them some extra layers to store their stuff in. Smocks are also used during a clean-up so when you see those cleaners wearing blue plastic jumpsuits at a crime scene, remember that it’s not a fashion choice.
We all know that no mad scientist is complete without a proper filthy lab coat. Just like the others, lab coats are also used because we need protection from any hazardous material which might turn our hands or bodies into Swiss cheese, and also, to make us look very educated and official in a laboratory.
Any one of us can be clumsy, no matter how careful we may be, so it is better to stop being lazy or ignorant, and put on that bothersome apron and be done with it. At least after the next big spill, it will only be our pride which will be wounded, rather than us or our clothes. If you ever need a good quality apron for a variety of reasons, you can count on us to deliver it to you, from New York to Ohio!

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