Tuesday, 24 February 2015


According to the reports of U.S. Census Bureau, about 40 million people move every year worldwide.

Also, about one third of the moves happening in United States take place between June and August

every year. This clearly means that more than 13 million people will be moving this summer- ignoring the seasonal moves to the summer cottages and the weekend retreats. With the summer time about to bang in sometime, your family must be on the go.

We are the emerging leaders as a green cleaning company. Thus, its our natural duty to give you some helpful tips to get you on the way to a new, fresh and green clean start wherever you stop and hang your hat.

Before packing, just purge and recycle

If you are preparing for a seasonal or permanent move, make getting rid of all the clutter a family event.

Take help from your kids to go through their rooms and even the entire house to identify toys, clothes,extra furniture and unused electronics which can be recycled. Donate it for a worthy cause in your community. If you have enough guts, hold a yard sale. Let your kids use the money they earn for the things that they sold to pay for summer fun or buy something for their rooms.

Make a list

Before filling up one box, remember to make a list of all the things that you need to pack. Use your smart phone for the purpose or a computer or even a god old fashioned notebook. The list should include what are you moving and where is it going to go the moment you get there. You may consider keeping one hand written list in case the computer battery drains out or you have packed the charging cord already.

Use the recycled boxes and supplies

A lot of supplies will be needed when you move. The recycled boxes are easily available on the Internet.

Many companies which offer move in/out cleaning have this option including us. Make sure that all the packing paper and cardboard is properly recycled again after the move is complete. Check all such things prior to hiring a move in/out cleaning service. Most of them provide recycling as routine option. If you are moving yourself, arrange for pickup of the used boxes by professional house cleaning service or just take the trash yourself to a recycling center. You may ask around for there are many who might need the boxes if they are moving. You may help them by just donating the boxes or even selling them at a modest rate.

Label everything

When you are moving, mark all the boxes clearly mentioning the end destination along with a particular room you want that box to go in. For weekend or seasonal moves, label all the clothes and duffels as they tend to get lost very easily outside the normal house environment.

Clean before you unpack

As per the reports of Centre for Disease control and Prevention (CDC), one in every six persons suffers from food poisoning each year in the United States. A wide majority of the people contract the disease from their own kitchen.

Before you unpack your stuff, make sure that a detailed house cleaning is done. Critical areas of the new house including bathrooms and kitchens are cleaned. Also, proper floor cleaning, thorough surface cleaning, IT cleaning: computers, phones, fax machines and more is properly done. When everyone wants to be at their best, avoid unnecessary illness by a thorough cleaning of your house. Take time to
clean surface properly by using natural cleaning solutions.

Green cleaning is not difficult once you know the right recipes for several non-toxic solutions and processes.

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