Sunday, 15 March 2015

3 Steps to Gaining Book Publicity for Independent Publishers

Self-publishing a book might be a hard nut to crack but it is not impossible. It requires a lot of time and effort on your part, but then, doesn’t everything successful does? Whether you take the traditional route to publishing or decide to self publish a book, marketing and book publicity is in your hands. It doesn’t get any easier either way for aspiring authors, but self publishing offers more pros than cons, provided you are dedicated to make it up the success ladder.
Let’s find out how to gain publicity for your book as an independent publisher:

1.     Find Your Audience

You’ve written a book, great. Have you found your audience or has it found your book to give it the air it needs? Most first time authors feel dejected because of low sales or not being able to attract the right audience for their books. The question is: are you targeting the right audience at the right place? Today, social media plays a big role in marketing and publicity and you should choose the right channels to market your book and find out where your target audience resides in the online world, to get their attention.

2.     Strategize your Online Publicity Campaign

Online publicity has evolved lot more than what it was a couple of years ago. Today, you need to engage your audience, which can be particularly critical when you are just starting out. Map out your online publicity campaign and make sure you follow it through. A few posts on a few social media channels will not do the job.  Pitch for reviews, offer giveaways, and hand out free book samples and guest book blogs at other sites. Remember that it’s a long road but not one that you can’t travel. Once at the end of your journey, you will realize how much you have learned, and find better ways to market your subsequent books.

3.     Get Connected

As you are starting out, you may want to balance your professional and personal character. The idea is that you also need to get connected to your audience and prospective readers on a personal level. Be available and share your personal thoughts on your social media channels. When readers feel that a new author cares for his readers, it is more likely that they will be interested in reading your work.
Many online book publishing companies help self-publishers to publish and design their books using their free tools. If you aspire to become an author and earn fame, remember that it’s a lonely road to the top, but one that you shouldn’t mind taking.
Book publicity is critical to selling your book, and when selecting an online publisher, you must choose carefully. For instance, check out They help their authors by listing the first 20 pages of their book on a website, which is frequently visited by publishing companies and book brokers. Who knows you might just land a deal?

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