Monday, 23 March 2015


We try every possible method to find the best way to resolve our hair fall problems. For some of us, the methods which we consider work like a charm, for the rest, they cannot find that ‘perfect’ hair growth product. Not to worry anymore, here are the different kinds of hair growth products which will help you get the flawless, thick, amazing, extraordinary and lavish hair you have been dreaming about.
Hair Fall Reducing Shampoos
There are certain vitamins and minerals which help in the nourishment of our hair and help strengthen their roots so that they do not break easily and become durable. When the sources of such helpful elements are not being met through the food we eat or the oils we apply, shampoos are the best solution. Shampoos provide the amount of missing elements which are needed for your hair to grow, thus become one of the most effective hair growth products which can show results within 2 weeks or less.
Hair Fall Conditioner Treatment
There are hair treatments and hair growth products which can be used every once or twice in a week to give your hair a spectacular look. This treatment is to be massaged on the hair about an inch from the roots till the tips after you have shampooed. Steam your hair after the application can give you the best results in the shortest period of time. You can find different oil extracts within these treatments, like Jojoba oil, which are also helping agents for healthier hair with more volume.
Oiling your Hairs
Oil is a natural hair growth product which is directly extracted from natural sources. Oils like coconut, almond, olive, and other oils are a rich source of vitamins, anti-oxidants, and anti-microbial elements.
They help improve the texture of the hair, fix the damage done at the roots to ensure hair growth, and even fix the split ends at the bottom. There are many different oils which you can select from to improve your hair according to your needs.
Prescription Drugs
Some people consider prescription drugs most effective as they believe that using products like Spironolactone is more helpful for their hair. This is because these drugs also contain anti-oxidants which help in the circulation of oxygen in the blood, and a better circulation means healthier and stronger roots. If you have strong roots, then your hair are more durable, they are less likely to break, and when they are less likely to break there is a reduction in hairfall.
Hair Transplant
Some choose the transplant way, which is not preferred by the rest as it can be a bit costly unlike shampoos and oils which are amazing for your hair. Although hair transplants are not hair growth products, it is still considered by individuals who have tried other options before..

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