Sunday, 15 March 2015

5 Things You Should Believe In To Become a Successful Independent Publisher

Research suggests that 81% of people have a book in them. With that figure, how many of us actually get it out? Not many I think. Whether you are self-publishing abook or not, the process of writing and editing is extremely time consuming and exhausting itself, which keeps many people at bay. Writing is very personal to some people and sometimes the fear of rejection prevents many great authors from making a name.
If you’re good with words, have any kind of story to tell and think that you are determined to face the horrors of book writing, here are 5 things you must believe in to become an independent selfpublisher:

1.     Never Accept Rejection

Whether or not this gives you any consolation, but many bestselling authors were rejected countless times before becoming famous. The one thing they all had in common: they wouldn’t accept rejection. If you have written something you believe in, believe in it so much that one day the world will know you for it. Rejection by big publishing houses does not necessarily depend on your writing or storyline; there may be other reasons and their own motives involved, so stay persistent. Gone with the Wind faced 38 rejections before winning the author a Pulitzer Prize in 1937, take some inspiration from this!

2.     Self Publishing a Book Is NOT Difficult

Book publishing spooks out many aspiring authors and they make a run for it before they even get started. The thing is, book publishing is like any other business, and to become successful at it you must act like an entrepreneur. This branch of book publishing has a learning curve and with time and effort you can learn everything about it to become successful. Today many online self-publishers like help writers take control of their novels and provide services to aid their self-publishing. Really, it is no big deal.

3.     YOU have to Market Your Book

If you think that you would have done better had you published your work through a big publishing house, you may have another think coming. You have to market your book yourself in any case, as new writers get very little help from publishers. It’s best that you start blowing your own horn earlier in the process and make efforts to market it so that you’re not disappointed in the end or feel like no one helped you out. It’s your work and the more YOU market it, the better results it will bring in.

4.     Online Presence Is Important

You must have heard the never-ending book readers vs. e-book readers’ debate. The fact of the matter is, YOUR online presence is important. It helps you to not only build an audience but also connect with them once your work is out and published. You might even be thinking of an eBook in which case the best platform to market is the social media channels. Use all the advantage you have to yourself to become successful.

5.     It Requires YOUR Time and Money

Since it’s your book and you’re setting out to publish it independently, remember that you need to invest your time and money into it. Costs are part of the publishing process and instead of spending time finding an agent and writing proposals, or hoping for a big publisher to pick you up, devote all that effort into doing it on your own and feeling proud.

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