Tuesday, 24 March 2015


Patients are obviously not concerned about the effectiveness of surgical light bulbs, but for the surgeons it is a critical matter to work under the best lights. After all, how will they perform a surgery if they are unable to see clearly? The bulb technology has evolved tremendously over the past 10 or 20 years and it is speculated that it will continue to do so. As lighting becomes increasingly efficient and effective, what are the factors that should be considered when choosing surgical light bulbs? Let’s find out:
High Intensity Lights without Glare and Shadow
It is important for surgeons to work under high intensity lights that produce no glare or shadow. As surgeons need to see deep into the tissues and veins and cannot risk missing anything, surgical lights usually range between 80,000 to 160,000 lux- the measurement unit for light intensity. Tissues are dark and do not reflect, so in the surgical room, it is very important that the lights are intense. Surgeons are able to get optimal light to the surgical site and prevent eye fatigue if they are working under high
quality surgical light bulbs that produce high intensity soft illumination so as not to cause strain on the eyes.
Color Temperature
Color temperature is measured in Kelvin and light sources differ in color temperatures. The right color temperature is important as it helps the surgeon to determine the accuracy of incisions and where to cut. Usually surgical lights that optimize performance are approximately 4000 K to 4500 K. . Bulbs with higher color temperature produce cooler light. So, when looking at color temperature it is also important to maintain a balance with the intensity of the light. High intensity and high color temperature light bulbs can produce light such as that from the sun causing the surgeon to “see spots,” which is a side effect. Also, prolonged work under such light over a period of time can cause eye damage. So when choosing surgical lights, it’s important to nsure that they are bright, but not harsh or blinding to the eyes.
Flexibility is another important factor when choosing surgical lights as the surgeons need to be able to position them where they want. They should be able to do that with minimum effort and in short time, so lights should be easy to move. It will be difficult to move the light if the light head is too heavy.
Another important reason to choose flexible lights is to cause minimum distraction or interruption to the surgeon, so as to not cause them to lose focus.
While good lighting systems help surgeons perform their duties effectively and efficiently, bad lighting can prolong a surgery, or make it worse. So for hospitals, it is necessary that their surgical wards are equipped with the best quality surgical light bulbs under all circumstances.
If you’re looking for medical lights, or lights for other hospital and medical care equipment, view our products here:www.medbulb.com

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